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I have over 2500+ modular battlemaps, tokens and tools for RPG.
Please browse the selection or use the search function to find your desired item.
From the Old English word "Meander" meaning a winding course, Meanders are Giant Modular Digital Terrain that can be matched with each other or themselves, Top, Left, Right, Bottom, or Flipped Vertically to create enormous sprawling RPG Worlds in seconds.
Kickstarted in 2015 these enormous 27x18" tactical digital battlemaps are designed and built in a 1" = 5ft scale that can be printed or used in the world's best Virtual Tabletop Systems. Meanders are available in dozens of genres and number nearly 2000. Similar in design to the smaller more common Dungeon Tiles - Meanders offer inexpensive beautiful hi-resolution gaming maps designed with tactical and strategic terrain in mind - saving valuable time and preparation as a DM.

Officially called 'Synchable Terrain' the more popular term 'Modular Battlemaps' is more commonly applied to these maps designed to fit with each other. The special repeating exit/entrance system they use ensures the smaller paths and larger roads always line up giving terrain extraordinary continuity. This lets you blend sci-fi with fantasy or any other map from the entire series creating sprawling worlds with endless joinable pathways that lead from one map into the next for players to explore.​
Every individual Meander sold from Game Tile Warehouse provides you with 5 different types, 27x18" with a Hex Grid (HX), 27x18" with a Square Grid (L#) , 27x18" with No Grid (L) , a medium size 2700x1800 to suit a grid layover of 100px (M), and a small size 1350x900 to suit a grid layover of 50px (S). This lets you choose whether you need high-resolution to print, or a lower resolution to play VTT.* Built on a 1" scale, and designed to suit the capability of ALL major VTT's my maps will easily match up to the grid you place over them and work optimally inside your chosen program.
*The Hex grid option has recently been retired in favour of a new R20 specific map size to form the 5 map set
Many battlemaps are not designed for VTT - they pinch the furniture, restrict pathways, clutter the spaces, make it hard for your character to stand on a clear space or aren't built with correct dimensions for when you lay a grid over - not so with Meanders: for the most part my maps are uncluttered even when furnished so you have more control over what is represented on the map and my designs always provide clear access and passage for characters to move through the areas without overlapping furnishings.
Finding what you're looking for is also dead easy. Meanders file names let you distinguish the genre, series, number and size or grid type by providing a neat system of identification - in recent releases even road and river joins are described using an additional code.
Their modularity and compatibility with themselves and other Meanders make them an extremely diverse, limitless and powerful tool in your RPG arsenal. To date the series offers dozens of genres including:
Fantasy City (All Four Seasons, Nocturnal) Dwarven, Underdark, Forest, Snow, Ice, Jungle, Desert, Cave, River, Road, Village, Cemetery, Medieval City, Castle, Cthulhu, Victorian Mansion, College of Magic, Wizard Tower, Ruined Tower, Spider Forest, Dead Forest, Farm, Dungeon, Crypt, Tavern, Dragon, Ocean, Wild West, Swamp, Treetop, Mountain, Arcane Library, Mausoleum, Necromancers Lair, Plague Village, Flooded Village, Witches House & Woods, Deep Roads, Temples, Mines, Gemstone Cavern, Alien Mothership, Planet, Moonbase, Galactic Cruiser, Tundra, Savannah, Zombie, Modern City, Post-Apocalyptic, Modern: Tsunami, and Lovecraft 'Dunwich', Wild West - with hundreds more already in development, funded through Kickstarter or making their way into the GTW Store.
Meanders are also compatible with Soloman Temple Squares and all of my other products - all of which have also been built on a 1" scale - AND - Dozens of Meander-specific Token Asset Packs with Furnishings/Decor help you to customize Blank Template Sets with matching art assets.
A goal of 3000 maps is planned by the close of 2023 to form my 'Meanderverse' - the most comprehensive interchangeable digital terrain system in the world. While it could already claim that title - I want to leave absolutely no doubt. Currently there are between 1800-1900 Meanders in the series. You can support this insane ambition by subscribing to my mail list or joining the Meanders Facebook Group and helping to fund my Kickstarters to expand the map series into exciting new dimensions.
I frequently return to previous maps to offers expansions through Kickstarter - after which maps slowly make their way to the GTW Store and the other VTT's with which I am partnered. I also work closely with my customers and backers during and after releases to understand what genres and types of maps they want to see making it an interactive design process.
Meanders are catalogued carefully and sold virtually everywhere RPG: but only the individual maps are sold from GTW (When they eventually get processed and added to the store). Browse my individual maps marked with a key description on the red ribbon from the GTW Store when you need a particular map in a hurry or use the handy search bar.
Meanders are frequently expanded using Kickstarter Campaigns then eventually added to various stores including GTW. If you're interested in what's upcoming or in development you can subscribe to the GTW Newsletter to keep informed.
When you purchase from GTW you will immediately get sent a link to download your purchase and a receipt. A copy of the receipt and a copy of the link will also be sent to your assigned email. Please check your spam folder if you cannot see 2 emails from GTW after making payment. Please contact me immediately if you encounter any issues. I am extremely responsive and will do my absolute best to resolve the issue quickly. You can also contact me if you're looking for something particular, as no-one knows this vast hoard of maps as well as I do and I'll be happy to make suggestions based on what matches your needs.
Visit the GTW Shop to browse almost 2000 categorized maps
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Meanders use a repeating Entrance/Exit System with 10 small paths and 6 large paths.

6 paths mark the path of roads or rivers. Filenames inc. a code that helps match them.

Meanders suit Fantasy Grounds, Roll20, Foundry, Astral and all other VTT's Systems.
Find out more about the powerful mechanisms of the Meanders design through this free downloadable PDF - which will show you the many different ways to join Meanders and an exciting new extension to them that is in development called the SLENDER.
In addition - if you want to use Meanders Maps in your live streams and online/offline games, inc venues, there is no licensing required. A mention of GTW is appreciated but not obligatory :) Logos have been provided below for representation.